An agency focused on creating and nurturing powerful and memorable brand experiences. We have full service capabilities for all things digital.




Brand Strategy


Graphic Design


Digital Marketing


Social Media Management


Content Marketing


Web Design & Development






Motion Design




Full-Service Agency

Stratos OneZero is a one-stop shop for all your advertising, marketing, and digital transformation needs. Our team of experts provide Full-service marketing solutions for brands, ads, and tech.

Committment To Results

We are committed to helping you achieve your business goals. We work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a customized plan to help you achieve success.

Research Based

Research-based marketing solutions that grow brands. We use data to inform our strategies and tactics, so you can be confident that your marketing is working.




Website Design

Brand Identity 

Social Media Management

Digital Advertising


When Soocher, a newly established healthcare communication platform, approached our agency, they faced the daunting challenge of building a robust brand identity and establishing a significant online presence in the competitive healthcare sector. With numerous healthcare communication platforms in existence, Soocher needed to stand out and effectively communicate its unique value proposition to both healthcare professionals and patients. Furthermore, they required a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that covered not only the development of a user-friendly website but also encompassed branding, social media management, and digital advertising on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.


Our agency embarked on an integrated branding and digital marketing journey to address Soocher’s multifaceted challenges. Firstly, we devised a comprehensive branding strategy that revolved around the core values of trust, security, and cutting-edge innovation. This brand identity was meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of professionalism and reliability while also adhering to healthcare industry standards. Simultaneously, we created a user-centric website that seamlessly integrated Soocher’s core features, prioritizing data security and regulatory compliance. To amplify their online presence, our team managed Soocher’s social media accounts, crafting engaging content and fostering meaningful connections with their audience. Additionally, we orchestrated targeted digital advertising campaigns on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, reaching potential users and driving them to the newly designed website.


Digital Advertising

Social Media


Reliant Credits (India) Ltd, an established Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) with a rich history, faced the challenge of expanding its brand presence and reaching a wider audience. While they had successfully expanded their geographical reach, they recognized the need to modernize their marketing approach to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving financial services industry. They needed a cohesive and impactful online presence, especially on social media platforms. Additionally, their brand message needed refinement to effectively convey their commitment to providing financial solutions that enhance the lives of their customers. Thus, the key problem was how to revamp their brand strategy and leverage social media advertising to create a more compelling and relatable image in the digital age.


In response to Reliant Credits (India) Ltd’s challenge, our team devised a comprehensive solution that addressed their brand and digital marketing needs. First, we conducted an in-depth analysis of their target audience and market competitors to formulate a tailored brand strategy. This strategy focused on highlighting their core values of reliability, customer-centricity, and innovation. To boost their online presence, we developed a social media advertising campaign that engaged potential customers through visually appealing content and targeted messaging. We leveraged various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn, to reach diverse demographics effectively.


Web Design

Visual Identity

Brand Assets


INSCAF, a 100% Omani-owned company specializing in multi-dimensional projects across various industries, faced a branding challenge. While their reputation for delivering high-quality services was well-established, their visual identity and online presence did not reflect this commitment. Their existing business card, company profile, and letterhead lacked a cohesive and modern design, and their website was outdated and difficult to navigate. This inconsistency between their outstanding services and their branding was hindering their ability to attract new clients and communicate effectively with existing ones. The problem was clear: INSCAF needed a comprehensive rebranding solution to align their visual identity with their exceptional services and showcase their credentials effectively.


To address INSCAF’s branding challenges, we embarked on a holistic rebranding project. First, we designed a new visual identity that conveyed the company’s commitment to quality and HSE standards. This included a modern and professional business card, an informative company profile, and a refined letterhead. These materials featured a cohesive design, a harmonized color palette, and clear messaging that highlighted INSCAF’s certifications, industry expertise, and Omani ownership.

Additionally, we revamped INSCAF’s online presence with a brand-new website. The new website was not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly, making it easier for potential clients to navigate and access essential information about the company’s services and certifications.


Web Design

Brand Strategy


In the initial stages of their journey, Vakkaparambil Rubbers, as a recently founded company, encountered a significant challenge: the absence of a robust brand identity in the highly competitive realm of rubber mat manufacturing. 

At the outset, Vakkaparambil Rubbers realized the pivotal role that a strong and distinctive brand identity played in their quest for success. They were acutely aware that in a marketplace teeming with well-established competitors, making a memorable and powerful impression was paramount. 

This recognition served as the catalyst for their proactive approach. They understood that crafting a unique brand identity would not only set them apart but also build trust and credibility among their target audience. 


We meticulously designed a brand identity that encapsulated the essence of Vakkaparambil Rubbers. This included the creation of a distinctive logo, a carefully chosen color palette, and comprehensive brand guidelines. Each element was thoughtfully crafted to reflect the company’s commitment to quality, innovation, and expertise in rubber mat manufacturing.

In parallel, a modern and user-centric website was developed to serve as their digital storefront. The website showcased their product range, manufacturing processes, and unique selling points. It also emphasized their dedication to customer satisfaction and highlighted their decades of experience in the industry.


Website Design

Visual Identity

Brand Assets


Perception Care, a UK-based healthcare recruitment company, faced a branding challenge rooted in its need for a contemporary and cohesive identity. Their needed branding materials, including business cards, brochures, and letterheads, with the appeal necessary to stand out in the competitive healthcare recruitment industry. Furthermore, they needed a website to effectively convey their mission and services to potential clients and candidates. The challenge was twofold: Perception Care needed a fresh visual identity to project professionalism and relevance, and they required an online presence to better connect with their target audience and establish credibility in the healthcare recruitment sector.


To address the branding and online presence challenges faced by Perception Care, we devised a comprehensive solution that melded modern design aesthetics with user-friendly functionality. Initially, we crafted an entirely new visual identity, which encompassed a contemporary business card, brochure, and letterhead design. These materials boasted a clean, professional appearance with a touch of warmth and empathy to resonate with healthcare professionals and employers. For their website, we developed a responsive and intuitive platform that effectively conveyed Perception Care’s mission, services, and job opportunities. The site featured user-friendly navigation, clear calls to action, and a blog section for sharing industry insights.


Website Redesign 



Charis Bhavan Retreat Centre at Athirampuzha faced a pressing challenge with their existing website, which was outdated and ineffective in providing essential information to their audience. The previous website lacked updated event details and failed to adequately showcase the diverse range of ministries and services offered by the institution. This posed a significant hurdle in their mission to reach out to a broader audience seeking spiritual renewal and support. Additionally, the site’s design and functionality did not align with modern web standards, limiting its accessibility and usability. The institution needed a comprehensive solution to revamp their online presence and ensure that their digital platform effectively conveyed their mission of providing a space for spiritual growth and God-experience.


In response to Charis Bhavan Retreat Centre’s needs, we provided a comprehensive solution by designing and developing a brand-new website that addressed their specific requirements. The new website features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring easy navigation and accessibility for all visitors, regardless of their technological proficiency. We implemented a dynamic events section that allows the institution to seamlessly update and display their upcoming events, retreats, and programs, keeping their audience informed. This not only helps potential visitors gain a deeper understanding of the institution but also encourages engagement and participation in their activities. The redesigned website now serves as an effective digital gateway for Charis Bhavan Retreat Centre, enabling them to reach a wider audience and continue their mission of spreading peace, joy, and spiritual growth to all.


Web Design

Brand Strategy

Social Media Management


Smithas Cakes N Bakes embarked on a heartfelt journey, driven by their passion for crafting homemade cakes and pastries using only the finest natural ingredients. However, they faced several challenges along the way. When they reached out for assistance, it became evident that their online presence didn’t do justice to the love and care they poured into their creations. An outdated website failed to convey the quality and uniqueness of their offerings, leaving them struggling to connect with a broader audience. Their social media presence was inconsistent, missing valuable opportunities to engage with their cherished customers. They recognized the need to enhance their brand’s identity, broaden their customer base, and create an inviting online home to flourish in the competitive bakery landscape.


In their quest to shape a more inviting brand identity for Smithas Cakes N Bakes, they embarked on a heartwarming journey of transformation. First and foremost, they welcomed a fresh and user-friendly website that lovingly showcased their homemade, natural creations. This platform made it easier than ever for their customers to explore their diverse cake and pastry offerings.

On the branding front, they embraced a strategy that celebrated their unwavering commitment to quality, natural ingredients, and the personal touch that sets them apart. Their logo received a tender update, and their entire visual identity was given a cozy makeover, extending its warm embrace across their website and social media spaces.


Website Design



Bombay Mobile Car Wash, a renowned car care service provider, faced the challenge of expanding its brand presence in an increasingly competitive market. Their existing website was outdated, not mobile-friendly, and lacked the modern aesthetics and functionality necessary to attract and retain customers. This limitation hindered their ability to effectively showcase their luxurious car wash experience and additional services, limiting their growth potential. With the rising demand for mobile-friendly websites and the importance of online presence in today’s digital landscape, Bombay Mobile Car Wash recognized the urgent need for a new website that could accurately reflect their high-quality services and accommodate the needs of tech-savvy customers.


To address Bombay Mobile Car Wash’s challenges, our team embarked on a comprehensive website redesign project. Our primary objective was to create a modern, mobile-friendly, and responsive website that would serve as a powerful tool to enhance the brand’s online presence. We began by conducting a thorough analysis of the client’s requirements and industry trends, followed by the development of a clean and visually appealing design. The new website showcases their premium car wash services, luxurious detailing options, and the convenience of doorstep service. We ensured seamless navigation and easy access to information, making it effortless for potential customers to explore the services offered and book appointments. The result is a visually stunning, user-friendly website that not only accurately represents Bombay Mobile Car Wash’s commitment to quality but also significantly improves their online visibility and customer engagement.

Coming Soon